Summer golf coaching available

Boost your golf game this summer with some coaching and practice sessions at Boughton Golf Club. Whether you already have some experience at golf or are new to the sport, you can benefit from the expertise of a qualified professional coach. These sessions are available free of charge to Kent Sport Gold and Silver members.

The supervised practice sessions are for everybody from experienced players to complete beginners: this is a great way to practice while getting valuable tips along the way. The beginners session is an ideal opportunity for people to get into the game of golf and the masterclasses are for the more experienced golfers. The sessions are are on the following dates:

Monday 6 June, 5pm – 6pm: Supervised practice
Saturday 11 June, 2pm – 3pm: Masterclass putting – Putt LIke a Pro
Tuesday 14 June, 5pm – 6pm: Beginners
Sunday 19 June, 10am – 11am: Masterclass chipping – Chip Like a Champ
Monday 20 June, 5pm – 6pm: Supervised practice
Sunday 26 June, 2pm – 3pm: Masterclass pitching technique – Pitch Perfect
Monday 27 June, 5pm – 6pm: Beginners
Saturday 2 July, 2pm – 3pm: Masterclass bunker – Save Your Round
Wednesday 6 July, 5pm – 6pm: Supervised practice
Sunday 10 July, 10am – 11am: Masterclass pitching (distance control)- Pitch (more) Perfect
Tuesday 12 July, 5pm – 6.30pm: beginners – On Course
Sunday 17 July, 10am – 11am: Masterclass – Awkward Lies

You can sign up for any or all of these sessions by emailing on a first come first served basis as places are limited. Equipment will be provided for anyone who requires it you will just need some comfortable clothes suitable for swinging golf clubs! The sessions are also open to others, who can contact for pricing. For more information about Kent Sport membership benefits, visit

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