Campus Online – join our focus group!

Many thanks to all staff who responded to our survey on Campus Online. Among the key findings were:

  • Campus Online is primarily accessed from desktop PCs and used mostly for staff notices and the Online Directory
  • However, the majority of respondents feel that the current page lacks focus and that the most interesting content isn’t given the right prominence
  • Staff notices update too quickly for the small space they’re in. They would also benefit from more images
  • Upcoming events are unhelpful due to lack of curation/choosing what’s shown
  • Kent Life features are nice to read but aren’t updated often enough
  • Most respondents are in favour of the removal of the banner at the top of the page.

In response to these findings, we are making some short-term changes to the Campus Online layout, including:

  • Making the staff notices section more prominent and, wherever possible, adding images
  • Simplifying the Contents listing – to focus on staff notices, the Online Directory, with less prominent links to the News Centre and Events Calendar
  • Removing the site banner
  • Providing clearer guidelines on writing style, copy length and image format.

We are also investigating other potential longer-term changes to Campus Online and how we use it to interact with staff around the University. We would like to invite staff to help with this investigation by attending one of our focus groups on:

  • Tuesday 16 February, 9.30-11am, or
  • Tuesday 23 February, 9.30-11am

Please email us at stating which date you would like to attend and we will then send out further information prior to each meeting. Note that places are limited and will be given on a first come, first served basis. Refreshments will be provided.

Wendy Raeside, Etienne Donzelot and Allie Burnett
Corporate Communications