JSNCC – committee papers now on website

The Joint Staff Negotiating and Consultation Committee is the main forum for consultation and negotiation between the University and its staff. Its membership includes management and union and staff representatives who meet each term. The first meeting of the academic year takes place on Wednesday, 21 October 2015.

There is a committee website which you are encouraged to go to and where the papers for this meeting and previous meetings can be found as well as meeting dates, membership, and terms of reference. If you would like to comment on any of the Agenda items/papers then please contact your Staff Representative (either Union, or Non-Union):-

UCU – Owen Lyne, O.L.Lyne@kent.ac.uk Paul Hubert, P.J.Hubert@kent.ac.uk
GMB – Robin Hornsey, R.K.Hornsey@kent.ac.uk Lou Cogger L.Cogger@kent.ac.uk
UNISON – Rob Chapman, R.D.Chapman@kent.ac.uk Phil Rogers p.rogers-89@kent.ac.uk
UNITE – Trevor Reece T.W.Reece@kent.ac.uk

Non-Union Representatives:-
Linda Lough L.M.Lough@kent.ac.uk
Sarah Hyde S.J.Hyde@kent.ac.uk

Maddy Withers
Secretary to the JSNCC