Student Success (EDI) Staff Seminar: 16 November

The Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor and Faculty Deans have issued an invitation to the first Student Success (EDI) Staff Seminar on Monday 16 November. The seminar will take place from 10am – 1pm and will be followed by lunch in the Darwin Conference Suite, Canterbury campus.

The issue of differentials in student success is an area of great concern for all universities. As part of Kent’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, it is incumbent upon us to understand the range of issues that affect student success and to ensure that we have effective measures in place to counteract the effect of these issues on student outcomes.

Comprehensive research undertaken at the University has shown that our profile in terms of degree attainment and student retention reflects the national picture. As a result of these findings, a two-year pilot project is underway to improve the success rates of students across the University.

This academic and action research project directly involves nine schools but the strategy is University-wide. The Student Success Project Team will provide information on the work across the pilot schools via poster presentations and project researchers will deliver their initial findings. In addition, there will be table discussions about the Academic Adviser system, the Teaching Excellence Framework and the Student Experience.

Members of academic and professional services staff are encouraged to attend the event.

To find out more, see or email Jan Moriarty, Student Success (EDI) Project Manager: