You are invited to make nominations for two representatives of non-union members of staff to join the Joint Staff Negotiating and Consultation Committee.
These two vacancies are for non-academic staff members. Currently there are two academic-related staff representatives namely Dr Sarah Hyde and Linda Lough.
What is the Joint Staff Negotiating and Consultation Committee?
The Committee is the main forum for consultation and negotiation between the University and its staff. Its membership includes management and union and staff representatives who meet each term. For more information about membership of JSNCC, please go to:
Nominations for appointment to the vacancies have to be proposed and seconded by two other members from this staff group.
Elections, if necessary, are held using a simple majority system.
The period of appointment is three years commencing from the date of election and representatives are eligible for re-election once.
Enquiries and nominations (there are no pre-prepared forms for nominations) should be directed to the Secretary of JSNCC, Maddy Withers, either by email or by internal mail to The Registry, Room 125.
Closing date: 10 July 2015