The Athena SWAN Event on 7th May aims to answer a few questions you might have:
- Can Athena SWAN make any difference?
- Why should the School be involved in Athena SWAN?
- What do I need to know about promotion, even if I’m not ready to apply yet?
- How do I, as an ECR, go about career planning?
The answer to the first couple of questions might be suggested by the event’s theme: Good Practice Benefits All. Working to the Athena SWAN principles, means working in a place where all staff are valued. This will be elaborated on in the panel discussion and Lenna Cumberbatch, Diversity Manager at the Royal Society, will give her perspective on the issues in the keynote address
The last two questions will be explored in the workshop sessions on Promotion and Career Planning for Early Career Researchers (and those wondering what their next step should be).
The event starts in the Rochester Boardroom at 09:30, will run until 12:45, and includes lunch. To find out more, and register for the event, go to the Athena SWAN website. Places are limited.