The University is delighted to announce details of the Employability Points (EP) Rewards Evening.
Developed by Kent Innovation & Enterprise, the EP Scheme encourages students to develop personal and work skills of value to future employers and offers reward points for their active engagement in extra-curricular activities outside their degree programme. The scheme has been highly praised by central Government and the business community.
Sponsors and supporters from around the country will attend the evening to celebrate the successes of the scheme.
This year’s ceremony will take place on Tuesday 2nd June from 5.30pm at the Grimond Building on the Canterbury Campus.
Register now
A light buffet will be provided to registered guests. Limited tickets are available so please register for this free event before Tuesday 26th May.
For any questions regarding this event, please email Nerissa or phone 01227 816032.
For more information please visit the employability points webpage.