Each year, the University awards a number of prizes to individual staff or groups/teams for outstanding work in teaching and/or learning support.
The call for applications for the 2015 prizes is now open. Applications must be submitted by Friday 15 May 2015.
Faculty Teaching Prizes
Each Faculty awards an annual teaching prize of £5,000. The only criterion for the Faculty Teaching Prizes is evidence of outstanding achievement in relation to teaching (which can include any aspect of the teaching role, and may be for individual or team work).
Barbara Morris Prize for Learning Support
The £5,000 Barbara Morris Prize is awarded for outstanding individual or team achievement in supporting learning, and is open to all staff.
The 2015 University Teaching Prizes will be awarded by the Vice-Chancellor at a lunchtime ceremony in the autumn term 2015, date tbc.
Details of the application process and relevant documents can be found at http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/reward/index.html.