The Student Learning Advisory Service offers its Creative Language Development (CLD) workshop three times a year. The first event of 2018-2019 takes place on 9 January, with others to follow in May and June. The aim of the workshops is to give non-native speakers of English the opportunity to develop their language skills in interesting, unusual and enjoyable ways. Each event takes place in a non-threatening and engaging atmosphere; the aim of the session is enjoyable practice.
January’s CLD workshop uses Oscar Wilde’s late nineteenth century, short story The Happy Prince, which explores themes of loyalty, friendship and morality. Through engagement with the text, students are encouraged to develop their vocabulary and pronunciation in order to build confidence in speaking, listening and self-expression. They then revisit a favourite story from their own childhoods.
Each CLD event is unique. Therefore, students can choose to attend an individual workshop or enrol on two or more. The workshops involve no additional coursework or preparation. The emphasis is on language enjoyment and engagement.
The sessions during the spring and summer vacations include activities that take place outside the classroom, weather permitting, and these are always popular with participants.
As well an opportunity to develop English language skills, a shared lunch, provided free, gives students a chance to discuss their experiences of living and studying in Canterbury. It can be empowering to find that the issues faced by individuals whilst studying abroad are often the same as those encountered by other people. Effective coping strategies are often shared and implemented.
Each workshop begins at 11:00 and ends at 15:00. Booking is essential using SLAS Connect.
More information about the workshops is available on Moodle DP1350 or by emailing Steve Cope: