This year’s Stirling Lecture will be delivered by renowned American psychologist and anthropologist, Professor Tanya Marie Luhrmann from Stanford University. Her talk: ‘The Way We Think About Thinking Matters’.
Tanya Luhrmann’s work focuses on the edge of experience: on voices, visions, the supernatural and the world of psychosis. Drawing on ethnographic research with evangelical Christians, Zoroastrians, and people who practice magic she considers how persons experience psychosis in the US, Accra and Chennai. In this lecture she argues that how we think about our minds matters, and that different cultures and theologies experience mind and mental process in distinctive ways.
This event is free and open to all. Please register your interest here.
Event details:
Tuesday 4th December 2018, 18:00 – 20:00, Keynes Lecture Theatre 1, University of Kent, Canterbury
Further information can be found on the School of Anthropology and Conservation news and events page.