Update from David Nightingale, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost:
Further to my email yesterday, the GDPR information sessions for staff have proved to be very popular and so we have moved the Canterbury venues to Keynes Lecture Theatre 1. If you have tried to register and been told it’s fully booked, you should now be able to book using the links below.
Also, to clarify, all staff from all departments are welcome to attend any session. If you are part of a faculty, you may find it more helpful to attend one focused on your area as the questions in the Q&A portion of the session may be more pertinent to you. Should you be unable to attend, or should your team require bespoke information, please contact the Information Compliance team or the Development Office directly.
The sessions will include an overview of GDPR, what it means for Kent, and how we are preparing. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. The Information Compliance team and the Development Office will use the sessions to determine the main points of concern for staff in order to develop resources and guidance which will subsequently be made available on the Information Compliance website.
A reminder of the sessions:
- Tuesday 17 April 10-11.00, Keynes Lecture Theatre 1 (Social Sciences) Register here.
- Friday 20 April 10-11.00, Keynes Lecture Theatre 1 (Humanities) Register here.
- Monday 23 April 10-11.00, Keynes Lecture Theatre 1 (Sciences) Register here.
- Thursday 26 April 10-11.00, Pilkington Building, Room 130 (All), Register here.
NB change of venue
I hope you will find the sessions useful.