Kent is pleased to announce that Professor April McMahon, Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Education, will play a key role in a national pilot scheme for the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF).
Professor McMahon has been appointed by HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) as a member of the main expert panel and Chair of the Humanities subject panel for a trial of TEF assessments at subject level.
Another former Kent colleague – Rory Murray, Kent Union President from 2016-2017 – is a member of the Medical and Health Sciences subject panel.
Fifty higher education providers are taking part in this trial, designed to test different methods for assessing university provision at subject level as part of the TEF in future years. These new assessments have the potential to offer applicants more detailed subject information before choosing where to study.
Professor McMahon, who joined the University in September 2016, was previously an Assessor for year two of the TEF in 2016/17.
She has had a distinguished academic career and is a Fellow of the British Academy. She has worked at the Universities of Cambridge and Sheffield as well as Edinburgh where she held the posts of Head of the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, Head of the College of Humanities and Social Science and Vice-Principal, Planning and Resources.
Prior to joining Kent, Professor McMahon was Vice-Chancellor at Aberystwyth for five years.
For further information on year three of the TEF and subject level pilots, and full lists of panel members, see the HEFCE website