Following the publication of a Concept Masterplan in 2016, the University of Kent is preparing a Framework Masterplan for the Canterbury campus in line with Policy EMP7 of the Local District Plan.
The first step in this process is to prepare an overall spatial vision of what sort of place the Canterbury campus should be and the strategies for delivering it.
A Discussion Document has been produced to enable a range of stakeholders to engage with our emerging strategies for ‘Planning and Environment’, ‘Place-making’, ‘Landscape and Biodiversity’ and ‘Movement and Transport’, together with the draft overall spatial vision.
These strategies and vision will guide the further development of the Framework Masterplan and are underpinned by research studies already underway.
A number of external stakeholder groups were invited to a workshop day to discuss the emerging strategies and you can find a report of that workshop online.
If, having read the Discussion Document and Workshop Report, you would like to be part of a staff focus group later in the summer, please email