The summer term always creates a challenge for the Recycling and Waste Team as we deal with the annual student departure. Adhering to the principles of the Waste Hierarchy, in which reuse is rated more highly than recycling, the team partners with the British Heart Foundation and FareShare to encourage students to pass on their unwanted clothing, bric-a-brac and food rather than throw it away.
While the promotions are directed towards students, the Recycling and Waste Team is delighted to see staff join in so enthusiastically too. The results for the summer term 2017 are now in, and there was a huge increase of 78% in clothing donations and 83% in book donations, compared to the same period last year. That’s a staggering 5.5 tonnes more being reused for good causes.
Offsetting this improvement, the food bank donations sadly weren’t quite as positive, with a 25% drop from last year. Despite this reduction, we still achieved in excess of a quarter of a tonne of food, and our first donations came from staff members.
Finally, the Warp It furniture reuse programme are redistributing unwanted office furniture across and between Canterbury and Medway campuses and continues to go from strength to strength. It has seen a phenomenal 170% increase year-on-year. First introduced in January 2016, the scheme has now saved the University some £211,000. Not only that, but the Recycling and Waste Team is now linking up with local charities to pass on items which cannot be reused by the University.
Thank you to all for your continued support in making our world just that little bit greener!