The Student Learning Advisory Service runs its final Creative Language Development (CLD) workshop for 2016/17 on 21 June. This highly original event is open to Kent students, studying at any level, who don’t have English as their first language.
The workshop begins at 11.00 and ends at 15.00 and includes an optional shared lunch. This allows students to network across schools and academic disciplines and facilitates contact with a range of cultures and perspectives.
The workshop provides an opportunity to get out of the classroom and enjoy the tranquil and beautiful environment surrounding our campus. Using a guide sheet and compass, students work together to navigate the local footpaths; the trees and plants are at their summer zenith at this time. Fortunately this year the event falls on the summer solstice – the longest day, so everything should be naturally aligned for a special experience.
While en route, students pause to note their thoughts on a range of environmental issues. These first musings are later re-drafted to produce an unusual and highly individualised memento of the day.
After lunch there is a team quiz offering a light-hearted look at some of the idiosyncrasies of the English language.
This event has proved popular with students since its launch in 2014. Participants always leave the session with new words and phrases to enjoy in their day to day use of English and there is always plenty of laughter. The workshop involves no additional study commitments and is designed to help participants feel more confident and able to express themselves in English.
For more information and to book your place, visit CLD on Moodle (module code DP1350) or email Steve Cope.