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Conserving collective learning from two decades of welcoming refugees in Kent

The University of Kent’s Special Collections and Archives are delighted to be working with the Kent Refugee Action Network on the KRAN Family Matters: Kent Refugee Action Network 20th Anniversary Heritage Project. This is a project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to celebrate the 20th anniversary of KRAN by recording oral histories with the people involved with the organisation.  

The project aims to learn the story of the organisation first-hand, from the people involved in setting it up and realising its vision to support under-age asylum seekers. During the project, KRAN’s Youth Ambassadors will be trained in Oral History techniques, and will interview those involved in the organisation, recording and conserving the collective learning gained from two decades of working to welcome refugees in Kent.  

The oral histories will provide a record of the challenges and successes in KRAN’s history through stories and experiences passed down from founders, volunteers, staff and supporters. The project team will be working to fill gaps, bring in new perspectives and give voice to people excluded from traditional historical records.  

Special Collections and Archives at the University of Kent will be providing a permanent home for the KRAN oral history collection, and ensure they are catalogued and preserved using professional standards, and made accessible according to data protection and confidentiality requirements.  

Do you want to get involved?

We also have a great opportunity for students or staff to get involved with the project by contributing to transcriptions for the oral histories being recorded. This is an ideal opportunity to learn more about KRAN and the work they do with refugees in Kent, and also build skills in oral history transcriptions and producing transcription summaries. All training will be provided and the work can be done entirely remotely. If you are interested in this opportunity please do get in touch with Beth Astridge in Special Collections and Archives: