My name is Josh and I am the Community Life Officer at the University of Kent. I work towards engaging students in their local community and providing support to help them thrive in their studies. I am passionate about embedding Kent students within our local community. I grew up in Kent and share a love for what our corner of the UK has to offer, with the lively spirit of our cities and the charm of our picturesque town. I am delighted to share this place I know so well with students who come to study with us from all over the world.
At the start of this term, we have seen the return of students to Canterbury and Medway, as in-person learning has resumed at Kent and facilities have opened once more. It has been a pleasure to welcome back students for face-to-face learning, to share our community, and to immerse them in our plentiful and historical culture. It is great to see the campuses and community bustling with the energy and excitement that our students bring.
Although this return provides us with reason to celebrate, this has been a hard time for some as the return to “life as normal” has not been an easy transition to make. Many students have missed over a year of valuable lessons that we learn when we live away from home, understanding our responsibilities and role within our communities. With this in mind, we are thrilled to continue providing our students and communities with the support they need, sharing what it is to live in our communities responsibly and respectfully.
Engaging local student residents with messages on staying safe and being a responsible neighbour through our neighbourhood days, and community safety hubs in the city centre is a priority. I look to the future with optimism for further outreach and events that will see our student community grow and learn together.
I would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday period. Following a year where many of us were not able to gather together with our families and loved ones, I hope that your festivities this year are filled with joy and celebration.
All the best,
Josh Turner, Community Life Officer