Student Success Staff Seminars- booking now open!

We are delighted to announce that the Student Success Staff Seminars will be taking place throughout the year, both Medway and Canterbury Campuses. The purpose of these events is to update staff on the work of the project and allow colleagues from across the University to have input and exchange ideas. All staff are invited to attend so please do circulate this invitation to colleagues. It would be great to see as many of you as possible, feel free to bring along your lunch and thoughts!

For a full schedule and details of the seminars please visit the Student Success website.

The first seminar “Diversity Mark” will be delivered by colleagues from SECL, SSPSSR, SSES, and the Academic Liaison Service.

 This seminar will take place on:

 Monday 15 October 2018, Canterbury Campus, Templeman Seminar Room 2

Tuesday 16 October 2018, Medway Campus, Pilkington Building Room 127

 The Diversity Mark Pilot Project at the University of Kent is a point of commencement for considering the inclusive curriculum. It is a collaborative project between the Student Success Project, Library Services in Information Services, informed by a cross-disciplinary working group. In consultation with academics and students, we will develop a guide to reviewing reading lists, to demonstrate how people can engage in building and developing representative collections.

 To register attendance at this, or any of the other seminars published online please email through to