This Thursday and Friday (11-12 Jan), Kent will be hosting ‘Radical Pedagogies: A Humanities Teaching Forum’. The full programme information is attached and online.
We have a range of sessions and talks over the 2-days, with highlights including a keynote by Prof. Richard Hall from 16.00-17.00 on Thursday in Rutherford LT1 entitled ‘Dismantling the Curriculum in Higher Education’, followed by a drinks reception at 17.00. We have sessions on Tactile learning, BME Challenges and Widening Participation.
Our keynote on Friday from 13.00-14.00 in RLT2 is from Dr. Shahidha Bari from Queen Mary. Her talk is entitled ‘The Art of an Education’.
Do feel free to drop into any of the sessions that might interest you. You can also follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #radicalkent18.
09.30-09.55 Registration and Refreshments
Rutherford Foyer
09.55-10.00 Welcome from Clarie Hurley & Tom Ritchie
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 1
10.00-11.00 Paula McElearney – ‘What ‘Gives Life’ to Critical and Radical Pedagogies’
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 1
Chaired by Kathleen M Quinlan
11.00-12.15 Panel Option One: BME Challenges
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Dave Thomas – ‘Critical Race Theory (CRT): A framework for libertaing, learning, teaching, assessment and the curriculum in higher education (HE)’
Chaired by Richard Hall
11.00-12.15 Panel Option Two: Pedagogical Consciousness
Rutherford Seminar Room 4
Kathleen M Quinlan – ‘How High Education Feels: Commentaries on Poems that Illuminate Emotions in Learning Teaching’
Darren Webb – ‘To explore “the archaeology of consciousness” as an aspect of utopain pedagogy’
Chaired by Sian Harris.
12.15-13.15 Lunch
Rutherford Foyer
13.15-14.30 Panel Option One: The Student Journey
Ruterhford Seminar Room 4
Geoff Bunn – ‘The Student Journey’, Power Relations and the Development of Agency.
Benjamin Poore – ‘Some Versions of Tranistion’.
Charied by Lee-Ann Sequeira
13.00 – 14.30 Panel Option Two: Experimental Teaching
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Reanne Crane – “Going easy o names and notions’: An Education in Direct Experience and the Antidote to Dogma’.
Maria Kukhareva – Dramatising the learning experience : student engagement through student-led enquiry, emotional connection and subjectivity’.
Chaired by Darren Webb
14.30-14.45 Refreshments
Rutherford Foyer
14.45-16.00 Panel Option One: Widening Participation
Rutherford Seminar Room 4
Sheree Palmer – ‘How can I incres my impact as a teacher upon WP and BME students?’
Lucy Watson – ‘Intercultural Perspectives in EAP: Putting international Students on the Map’.
Chaired by Tom Ritchie
14.45-16.00 Panel Option Two – The Student Voice
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Claire Hurley joined by first-year undergraduate students from Queen Mary.
Chaired by Claire Hurley.
16.00-17.00 Richard Hall Keynote Address: ‘Dismantling the Curriculum in High Education.’
Rutherford Lecture Theatre
Chaired by Tom Ritchie
17.00-18.00 Drinks Reception
Rutherford Foyer
DAY TWO – Friday 12 January
9:00 – 9:45 – Refreshments
Rutherford Foyer
9:45 – 10:45 Lee-Ann Sequeira – ‘The Problem with Silent Students –It’s You, Not Them’ Rutherford Lecture Theatre 1
Chaired by Benjamin Poore
10:45 – 12:00 Panel Option One: Tactile Learning
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Laura Way – ‘A return to ‘cutting and sticking’…Punk Pedagogy and Zine Making in HE’
Louisa Horner and Emma Wilkinson – ‘Flooding: An overwhelming approach to teaching ‘messy Histories’’
Chaired by Shahidha Bari
10:45 – 12:00 Panel Option Two – Collaborative Learning
Rutherford Seminar Room 4
Madeline Worsley ‘Learning Partnership: Collaboratively embedding a model that reinforces personal and professional development’
Catherine Bates & Kay Sidebottom – ‘Finding spaces to dance – collaboration and co-production as a form of resistance’
Chaired by Malcolm Noble
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
Rutherford Foyer
13:00 – 14:00 Shahihda Bari Keynote Address: ‘The Art of an Education’
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 1
Chaired by Claire Hurley
14:00 – 15:15 Panel Option One: Co-operation, not competition
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Malcolm Noble and Tracy Walsh – Learning and teaching for the post-capitalist economy
Chaired by Malcolm Noble &
Tracy Walsh
14:00 – 15:15 Panel Option Two: Assessment
Rutherford Seminar Room 4
Will Tattersdill – ‘Assessment and Feedback – A Discussion’
Rita Balestrini – ‘A teacher-learner collaborative appraisal of rubrics for performance based assessment in foreign languages’
Chaired by Katja May
15:00 – 15:30 Refreshments
15:30 – 16:30 Sian Harris – ‘Connections and Reflections’
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Chaired by Maria Kukhareva