SK project 1 staff town hall meetings

Learning and Teaching Network – Focus on Quality (Medway) 

Colleagues are invited to attend the Learning & Teaching Network session titled ‘Focus on Quality (Medway)’ taking place on Wednesday 6 December, 13.15-14.30 in Medway Rochester R2.09.

The 2017 Higher Education and Research Act (HERA) creates a new regulatory environment with the Office for Students (OfS) is at its heart. Its aim will be to secure student success by providing risk-based regulation for teaching excellence, social mobility and informed choice in higher education. With the advent of subject level TEF, Dr Louise Naylor will consider the changing role of the NSS and other TEF metrics in establishing teaching excellence.

Dr Silvia Colaiacomo will discuss the process, report and recommendations of the Assessment and Feedback Audit, which was carried out by the University’s Academic Audit Committee in March 2017. As part of the recommendations, some applications and resources developed through the EQUIP (Evidence-Informed Quality Improvement Programme) project will be illustrated, by looking at examples focussing on how to improve assessment and feedback.

Nik Duncan will discuss inclusive design principles and Kent Inclusive Practices (KIPs). KIPs enable academic and professional services departments to embed simple but effective adjustments that can improve the learning environment for all students, reduce the need for retrospective adjustments and lessen the additional workload required to implement individual Inclusive Learning Plans (ILPs).

Participants will be encouraged to share ideas and suggestions about future Medway forums. These can be submitted at the point of registration – see below – for sharing on the day.

To book a place/register, please email