Simplifying Kent Project 1: Programme Approval and Curriculum Design.
Work is underway on the Simplifying Kent projects which developed out of the KSDD review. The project looking at Programme Approval and Curriculum Design has already made some headway towards its objectives, as the University is piloting a new programme and module approval process during this academic year (for details on the pilot, see the QA website).
The project team are now turning to the other aspects of the project:
- the use of market intelligence in programme and module planning;
- the complexity of our space and timetabling arrangements; and
- the University’s larger-than-average portfolio of programmes and modules.
To that end, we would like to invite all interested members of staff to meet with us to seek your input on the project’s initial proposals. We will be holding these ‘town-hall’ style meetings on the following days:
- Friday 27 October
- 11am-12noon, Darwin Lecture Theatre 2, Canterbury campus
- 12noon-1pm, DLT2
- 2pm-3pm, DLT2
- Tuesday 7 November
- 12noon-2pm, PK130, Medway campus
Dr Simon Kirchin, Project Lead
Jon Beer, Assistant Project Manager