Staff Connect Launch

Staff Connect, the new self-service for employees will be launching on Wednesday 21 June.  At the time of writing, there continues to remain some teething problems, but we are satisfied that sufficient support is in place to help staff that might be hindered by these issues in the event that they are not fully resolved.

Once the system is live on the 21 June, you will be able to access and/or update some of your personal information, as well as view your payslips online. This means there will be no hard copy payslip sent out for June, employee payslips will only be available online.

We have arranged a number of drop-in sessions over a week, starting on launch day (21 June), at both Canterbury and Medway campuses. HR and project staff will be available to help with any queries you may have and to offer support in accessing the system.  Further information on these sessions can be found at;

If you’d like to refresh your knowledge on Staff Connect in preparation, you can find help and support available online on the Staff Connect Project page;