Following the success of the Writing Fiction / Getting Published event, held on Thursday 9 March, in which three authors from the Department of Comparative Literature talked about their novels, the process of writing and how they got published, we have signed copies of Anna Schaffner’s The Truth about Julia and Lesley Gray’s The King’s Jockey to give away.
To win, just answer the following question:
What was the name of the king’s horse that struck the suffragette, Emily Wilding Davison, at the 1913 Derby?
Send your answers to with ‘SECL book competition’ as the subject of the email. The competition is open until midnight on Friday 26 May 2017.
Signed copies of Christian Moratti’s Italian-language books have been presented to the Italian department to give away at their end-of-term party.
Photos of the event have been added to the new Comparative Literature at Kent Facebook page.