Sue Burkill from the University of Exeter will present the CSHE Research Seminar titled Reluctance to lead? Viewpoints from a research-intensive university.
The seminar will take place on Thursday 30 March 2017,16.30-17.30 in the UELT Seminar Room (Canterbury Campus)
During herĀ professional career Sue Burkill hasĀ been involved in encouraging and nurturing early career academics (ECAs) to develop an interest in educational leadership. Whilst there is existing research into ECA’s attitudes towards their future career trajectories (notably McAlpine and Akerlind 2010), there is a lack of research into how and why ECAs tend to form reluctant attitudes towards educational leadership; the influence this has on their career choices and the implications for related institutional policy and practice. These issues form the focus of my doctoral research in which I have adopted an applied critical realist research methodology (Maxwell 2012; Edwards et al 2014) in order to focus on the complex and often elusive mechanisms and structures in one university.
During this seminar/workshop Sue will contextualise her research before presenting for discussion some key findings from interviews with strategic managers, senior academic leaders and ECAs.
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