On Wednesday 8 March 2017, the Hub for Innovation and Enterprise (the institution’s support for student, staff, and alumni entrepreneurship and self-employment) will be hosting a Marketing in a Digital Age Conference.
The Marketing in a Digital Age Conference is for all students (and staff) who want to understand more about digital marketing for personal branding and start-up businesses.
With presentations from industry leaders on key trending topics, alongside updates on the basics, you will find out about tactics and best practice with examples of content marketing, email, mobile, social media, SEO and more. Find out more.
This event is kindly sponsored by the Kent Student Project Grant Scheme.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/marketing-in-a-digital-age-tickets-31535822494
Date: Wednesday 8 March 2017
Time: 12.00-13.00 arrival, lunch and networking | 13.00-16.00 Guest Speakers and Q&A’s
Location: Jennison Lecture Theatre