Antonio Lázaro-Reboll edits special issue on Eurohorror

Dr Antonio Lázaro-Reboll, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies in the Department of Modern Languages, has edited the latest issue of the journal Film Studies, a special issue devoted to ‘Eurohorror’.

This issue, Volume 15, Number 1, interrogates received notions of Eurohorror, a critical category primarily used by reviewers and fans, and assesses its theoretical currency for the study of European horror film in its distinctive manifestations from the late 1950s to the turn of the twenty-first century. Rather than re-rehearsing familiar narratives about Eurohorror erected around an established canon of films, directors and themes, or reclaiming a particular text or filmmaker from obscurity, this issue historicises the term, as it is more-often-than-not conflated with related cinematic categories such as ‘Euro Trash’ or ‘Euro Cult’. The issue examines the critical intersections and interactions between various fields of cultural production associated with Eurohorror to approach it from fresh perspectives, so as to chronicle stories that have not yet been told. The ultimate aim therefore is to map out a richer and more nuanced picture of the cultural hist ories of Eurohorror, and, by extension, European horror film.

As well as writing the editorial, Antonio has contributed an article to the issue, ‘Making Zines: Re-Reading European Trash Cinema (198898)’, discussing a key fanzine of the 1990s.

The issue is available online, with the table of contents viewable at:;jsessionid=3999k0gsdmgc4.x-ic-live-03