Sky dive

Support Stephanie’s charity sky dive

Stephanie Astro, from Physical Sciences, is taking to the skies for a good cause.

Stephanie, Employability Officer & Employer Engagement Officer, is taking part in a sponsored sky dive, in aid of the National Autistic Society.

She says: ‘Autism is a condition that affects many people, but is still not really understood. In a university setting, it can make the everyday challenges of study much harder. So, it’s really important that we raise awareness of the difficulties some face because of autism.’

She adds: ‘I myself was diagnosed with autism two years ago so the work of the National Autistic Society is very close to my heart. I’m terrified of heights so this will be very scary for me but for autistic people everyday things like answering the telephone can be scary.  I think it’s really important to share this message and, if I can raise some money as well, so much the better!’

Stephanie’s sky dive will take place in Swindon on 19 March – just before Autism Awareness Week. She is hoping to raise at least £400 for the National Autistic Society. You can support her fundraising via her charity page.

To find out more about the National Autistic Society, see its webpages.

Advice on helping students with autism can be found on our Student Support webpages.

Information on the University of Kent’s Staff Disability Network is available on the HR Equality and Diversity webpages

Opportunities for training in Autism at the University can be found on the Tizard Centre webpages.
