Student Services’ Bitesize Talks return this term and staff at Canterbury and Medway campuses are warmly invited to attend.
The talks will start at 13.10 and finish by 14.00. There will be a question and answer session at the end of each talk.
Monday 6 February 2017, Medway room M1-16 (Medway only)
Tuesday 7 February 2017, Canterbury room KS16 (Canterbury only)
An introduction to transcultural communication
This talk, presented by Patmarie Coleman (Senior Counsellor, Student Support), will introduce transcultural differences and explain how these might impact on communication.
Tuesday 14 February 2017, Canterbury room KS16 and video linked to Medway room M1-16
Safeguarding students and vulnerable adults
This talk, presented by Wayne Campbell (Director of Student Services) will help you to understand what safeguarding is, your responsibilities as a member of staff and provide you with valuable information should you ever need to report a safeguarding concern.
Tuesday 21 February 2017, Canterbury room KS16 (Canterbury only)
Monday 6 March 2017, Medway room M1-16 (Medway only)
Self-care in supporting students
Suzanne Balabil is a Senior Counsellor in Student Support and will present a talk that addresses how we balance caring for others with caring for ourselves. The talk will explore what sustains and what depletes our professional and personal self, especially in times of severe stress.
Tuesday 28 February 2017, Canterbury room KS16 and video linked to Medway room M1-16
Accessibility is good for you
This talk, presented by Ben Watson (Accessibility Project Information Adviser), will consider the benefits of making learning and teaching inclusive and will look at some of the tools and strategies available to you. The session will be both practical and theoretical and attendees are invited to bring mobile devices to actively experience these tools and techniques.