The University has invested in the refurbishment of a room within the Medway Building in order to provide an on-site first aid/medical room (M0-04). It is envisaged that we will have a number of organisations use the room in order to provide a range of health services. We are pleased to be able to inform you that the first of the organisations to be located within the medical room is a Nurse Practitioner from the Sunlight Surgery.
The Sunlight Surgery clinic will be held on Thursdays during term time from 11.00 to 15.00 (finish time)
The clinics are aimed primarily at Sunlight patients but the Nurse Practitioner does have the ability to register patients at the point of contact.
The clinic is aimed at ailments that need an urgent appointment, for example, sudden onset of abdominal pain, productive cough, sore throats, urinary infections, morning after pill, the generally unwell etc. The clinic is nurse practitioner led with GP back up at Sunlight Surgery.