Information Services strategy workshops: help shape our future services

We’d like to invite you to a workshop to help us shape our strategy for 2016 – 2020.

We’re developing an Information Services strategy to guide the next five years of technology and library services at Kent.

We’re running a series of lively and thought-provoking workshops to help develop it. The next ones coming up are open to:

All students

  • Tuesday 14 June 11:00 – 13:00
    Canterbury Campus: Templeman Library West, Floor 1, room A |1 |08
  • Book a place

About the workshop

The workshop will be a lively interactive session. We’ll look at how we work with and for students, academics, professional services and partners.

There will be a graphic facilitator on hand to make a visual narrative of the workshop and ‘draw’ out themes from the activities.

You’ll have the chance to:

  • say what matters most to you about the future of Information Services
  • understand Information Services better

What happens next?

We’ll be engaging with Information Services staff through a departmental meeting where we feed back and discuss workshop findings. We’ll use the results to create a draft strategy document, which we’ll circulate from June.