Kent Union just launched the BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) Student Voices project which will conduct research into experiences of BME students at the University of Kent in order to identify barriers to academic and social success whilst studying.
We are currently looking for UK domiciled BME students to take part in short one-to–one interviews with the project researcher regarding their experiences at the University of Kent. The project will be exploring the link between social engagement and academic performance. It will also help us establish measures to overcome the attainment and participation gap of BME students within Kent Union, target the issues that need increased support and resources for student led organisation of events like Black History Month (October 2016).
To thank you for your participation, all interviewees will be given a £5 Kent Union voucher redeemable in Essentials, Woody’s (Coopers in Medway)and the Library Café.
For more information or to sign up for an interview please contact Krys at
Sign up here or join us here BME Student Voices Project(