The Referendum and the University

On Wednesday 16 March, 2016 at 18.00 in Rutherford Lecture Theatre One, David Powell will be giving a Rutherford Grass Roots lecture, organised in conjunction with the English Speaking Union, entitled ‘Kent in Europe: The Referendum and the University’.

With the referendum on the European Union now imminent, the stakes for higher education are particularly high. University leaders have judged that the framework provided by EU membership is good both for students and research. They have therefore expressed their strong support for continued membership. This lecture will explore the issues around Europe and higher education and will consider in particular what Brexit would mean for the University of Kent – the UK’s European university and the Kent and Medway region.

David Powell retired from the Diplomatic Service in 2010, following his last appointment as the British Ambassador to Norway. His career in the public service included postings in the Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office. He has also served in Brussels and Tokyo. He has been Policy Advisor at the University of Kent since 2014, where his responsibilities include providing advice on the implications of government policies for the University.

All welcome.