Jointly sponsored by Eliot College, the Centre for Postcolonial Studies and the School of English the T S Eliot Memorial Lecture will take place in Woolf Lecture Theatre at 18.30 on Thursday 22 October 2015. A drinks reception will follow in the Woolf Foyer. All welcome.
For catering purposes please email Meredith Johnson (Eliot College) by 17.00 on Tuesday 20 October: (01227 823141)
Terry Eagleton is one of the most prominent literary critics, cultural theorists, and public intellectuals writing today. The range of his contributions from the late 1960s is remarkable: from literary theory, marxist criticism, religious discourse, and cultural critique to Shakespeare, the English Novel, Ireland, and the Bröntes. He is the author of numerous books, including Exiles and Émigrés (1970), Criticism and Ideology (1976), The Rape of Clarissa: Writing, Sexuality, and Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson (1982), The Illusions of Postmodernism (1996), Sacred Violence: The Idea of the Tragic (2002), After Theory (2003), Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate (2009), and The Event of Literature (2012).