A package of changes to USS has been proposed, would you like to find out more? Register now for Eifion Morris’ presentation: USS 2016.
Eifion, who is the Member Communications Manager for USS, will be visiting the University on Wednesday 18 & 19 May. During his 40 minute presentation Eifion will explain, in plain English, what all the proposed scheme changes mean and he’ll answer any questions that might arise.
You’ll gain a broad understanding, straight from the horse’s mouth, of what the proposed changes are and how they might affect you from April 2016; and how your past benefits will be treated. There’s still plenty of detail to be decided, and the changes aren’t formally agreed until after a formal consultation process.
We should stress that this is intended as an information session; an opportunity for members to find out more about the proposed changes and their implications. During his presentation, Eifion will share details with you about a formal consultation process that is being established as part of the scheme change process. Use this channel to share any comments or suggestions you may have about the changes.
If you’d like to join us, please register by completing the registration form on the Human Resources home page. USS will be in touch to confirm your registration.
Presentations will be held in the Gulbenkian cinema, 18 May at 3.30pm and Woolf Lecture Theatre, 19 May at 9.30am.