In conjunction with the three Faculties, David Nightingale, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, will be hosting the University’s annual Internationalisation Forum on Thursday 22 January, from 2-4.30pm, at the Canterbury Campus.
The purpose of the Internationalisation Forum is to share updates about internationalisation activity at Kent, and to allow colleagues from across the University to meet and exchange ideas.
The forum will be Faculty led, with a School from each Faculty showcasing an area of good practice in Internationalisation. In addition, we are delighted to welcome representatives from one of our Strategic Partner institutions, Universiteit Gent, who will be giving a short presentation on Internationalisation in continental Europe.
This event will start at 2pm in Darwin Conference suite 1 and 2, and will be followed by a networking reception at 4pm.
All staff with an interest in internationalisation, academic and administrative, are invited to attend. Registry colleagues should register their attendance by emailing Hayley Snoding, and Faculty-based colleagues can register their attendance with the Dean’s PA (Humanities email: Monique Petit; Sciences email: Joanna Walpole; Social Sciences email: Mandy Dash). A copy of the programme will be published nearer the time.
We hope to see as many colleagues at the forum as possible.