Have you thought about signing up for the 2019 Q-Step summer school?
It runs from Monday 17th June to Friday 28th June 2019 and is free to first year students in SSPSSR, Law and POLIR who have the potential to convert to a ‘with Quantitative Research’ minor degree in their second year.
You will receive free accommodation in Park Wood for the duration of the course plus two weeks’ teaching and tutoring and some meals at social events. We ask for a £50 deposit to reserve your place but this is refunded on completion of the course. If you decide that Q-Step isn’t for you, there is no obligation to convert at the end of the course.
Employers in many sectors seek graduates with quantitative skills; this course offers a unique opportunity to boost your employability. The course is a 15 credit (non-contributory) module, and it will appear on your transcripts making you very competitive on the job market.
This is a fun and challenging course. You will be working intensively alongside other students from a range of disciplines to complete a real piece of social scientific research. The topic for 2019 is Race and Ethnicity.
To register for the course, please visit the website.
Any questions, please email Dr Trude Sundberg T.Sundberg@kent.ac.uk