Careers and Employability service events

The Careers and Employability service offer a wealth of events, make sure you keep checking there website here to keep up to date with what they have on offer. We have also listed below some of the events we think might be of interest to you, but these are just a few and we haven’t listed them all!


Are you an aspiring lawyer?

If so, you will also find university led events that are focused on the legal industry on the Get Into Law blog here     

The events listed on the above link are mostly organised by the LSSJ Employability Team and the various student law societies.   You are welcome to attend any event even if you are not a law student (unless there is a note to say you must be a law student – this happens very, very rarely and is usually when an external speaker requests it).

Did you know, you can also join the student law societies even if you are not a law student?   Go to the Kent Union website for a listing of the societies and the joining information.


CES events:

Monday 2nd August
12pm: How To Find A Graduate Job –

Tuesday 3rd August
11am: How To Get Started With LinkedIn –
1pm: Creating A Great CV –

Wednesday 4th August
3pm: Succeeding In Applications –

Thursday 5th August
11am: Covering Letters (The Basics) –
1pm: How To Make The Most Of Your Summer Vacation And Boost Your CV –

Friday 6th August
1pm: Virtual Assessment Centres –