Unconscious Bias Training

Dates Available L&OD are pleased to announce, that the pilot of the Unconscious Bias training, designed and delivered by the School of Psychology, has now … Read more

Reflect Plan Develop

Reflect, Plan, Develop (RPD) is a versatile appraisal framework supported by guidance documents, forms and information that you can use flexibly to shape conversations about … Read more

Belong and Grow online

Don’t have time to get away from the day job to join us for our BAG week (Belong and Grow) activities? We have something for … Read more

Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations is a Leadership and Management course designed to support leaders at Kent to achieve results through bold, courageous dialogue, with their teams and … Read more

Apprentices at Kent – meet Adam

Meet Adam Grainger, Reception Manager at Kent Sport, who is currently undertaking the Level 6 Chartered Manager (Degree) BSc (Hons) Apprenticeship. Loretta Izod, Employee Apprenticeship … Read more