Guest Post: Enactus Kent

Kent Union supports over a hundred and fifty student-run societies and sports clubs. Getting involved in any society or club can be great for your employability, but one of the most relevant is Enactus Kent, part of the worldwide Enactus volunteering organisation. Jameela Ahmed from Enactus Kent would like to introduce you to the work they are doing in Canterbury to help change people’s lives, and to tell you how you can get involved. See the end of the article for the events they are holding during Welcome Week and the first week of term.

Enactus is a worldwide organisation which uses entrepreneurial knowledge to help empower people to change their livelihoods in a sustainable way.  It’s an international non-profit organisation, with over 70,000 students in 36 countries, working on nearly 5000 projects. It is aimed at university students by business leaders, in order to make a difference in the community while helping them develop skills to become socially responsible business leaders.

Enactus Kent is a student led organisation, where students are encouraged to create and run their own volunteer projects.

Continue reading “Guest Post: Enactus Kent”

Employability @ Kent – 2017/2018

At the beginning of each academic year, the School holds several Employability @ Kent talks, to introduce new students (and remind returning students) of what employability is at the University of Kent, why it is important, and how you can take advantage of the services and opportunities available to you alongside your degrees.

This talk was given to new students yesterday, and a recording of the talk is below. If you are a Stage 2 or 3 student, make sure to come along to the Welcome Back briefings next Wednesday (Wed 27th, RLT1 – 3pm for Stage 2 student,s 4pm for Stage 3).

CCCU – Routes into Teaching Open Day, Sat 14th October



Saturday 14 October 2017, 10am–2pm Augustine House, Canterbury Campus

Come to our Open Day and explore the different routes you can take to become a teacher.

During the event you can:

  • Speak to our expert tutors
  • Gain information on our range of courses
  • Learn about the application process
  • Hear talks on a range of subjects, including different routes into teaching, fees and bursaries.

To book a place at this Open Day, go to

Paid positions – Student Fundraiser

The University is looking for students that want an exciting and challenging job, representing the University and raising money for funds that will help protect and increase opportunities for their peers.

The Development Office runs fundraising telephone campaigns in order to> raise money for the Kent Opportunity Fund, which helps to support students. It does that by providing scholarships, supporting students going through financial trouble and helping to finance student projects. As a Student Fundraiser you will be contacting alumni and helping to raise money for these causes.

Applicants should be comfortable on the phone, confident and willing to speak positively about their experiences at the University of Kent.

The University plans to recruit twenty-one Student Fundraisers, and the fundraising campaign will being on Saturday 28th October, and run until Sunday 26th November. Callers will be asked to work two shifts per week (6-9pm) and either a Saturday or Sunday (12-5).

For more information and to apply, head to

Volunteering at Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral have announced some new volunteer opportunities, to work with their team on a range of projects:

  • Community Engagement Ambassadors
  • Oral history volunteers for The Memories Project
  • Black Prince Conference Registration and Welcome volunteers and Conference Assistant and Engagement volunteers

To find out more and to apply, click here . Details of each opportunity are below.

Continue reading “Volunteering at Canterbury Cathedral”

Paid Work – Student EP Ambassador

The University’s Enterprise Hub, which runs the Employability Points scheme, is currently looking to hire a Student EP Ambassador for the forthcoming academic year.

This is a paid position (£500 per term, 5-hours per week), for one student to work closely with academic schools, professional services and student societies to promote the EP Scheme to current Kent students at both Canterbury and Medway campuses. In the past, EP Ambassadors have attended networking events, held pop-ups, delivered shout-outs and much more.

The Enterprise Hub team are welcoming students to apply by completing the online application form by 23:59 on 4th September 2017. You can find the form and Role Description here:

Volunteering – ‘100 miles for 100 years’

‘100 miles for 100 years’ is a series of thirty self-guided heritage trails themed on local people, events and places relevant to the First World War in Kent. Each trail will feature landmarks illustrated with images marking where people lived or an event happened. Each image will be accompanied by a brief informative description to be used whilst following the trail but with links to encourage deeper exploration of local issues and events. The Kent in WW1 team are looking for anyone who would be interested in helping develop these trails.

The trails will be available as mobile-compliant apps from including full downloadable directions and health and safety guidance. Also on the website is a downloadable pdf version with more details including a trail quiz to encourage deeper interaction and an interesting activity for families. They are also available as a leaflet.

The trails will be developed in association with local people who will be given the opportunity to receive training in trail development and event organisation. Each individual trail will have a launch event where the community can join together to learn about their locality in the First World War.

If you would like to be involved in supporting the development of trails in Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Deal, Dover, Gravesend, Herne Bay, Isle of Sheppey, Lydd, Maidstone, Margate, Ramsgate, Sevenoaks, Southborough and High Brooms, Tenterden and Tonbridge, please contact or

You can find more volunteering opportunities related to the School’s Gateways to the First World War project at

StudyPlus – Course in Journalism at Medway

Study Plus and the Centre for Journalism at Medway are running a free journalism course from 12-16 June. If you’ve ever thought of a career in journalism, this is your chance to find out if it’s for you.

The course offers an intensive immersion in the basic principles and practices of journalism in the multimedia age.  During five days of teaching, you will learn what professional journalists do and how they do it.  You will experience the pressure and pleasure of making real journalism to real deadlines under professional leadership.

The course is taught at the Centre for Journalism on the Medway campus, but is open to all Kent students. You can catch the free shuttle bus from Canterbury campus to Medway (you need to book this online):

For more information on the course, please see the Study Plus website:

To sign up, go to SDS>Workshops> Study Plus and choose KE044: Journalism.

Volunteering – WWI Oral History project at Lowewood Museum

Lowewood Museum in Hertfordshire has begun a project focusing on a set of five diaries written in World War One. The man who wrote them served in both the RAMC and in the Essex regiment, and the project leader is looking for four volunteers to help transcribe them. If you would be interested in taking part in this project, see below for details.

Continue reading “Volunteering – WWI Oral History project at Lowewood Museum”

India Immersion Programme open to applications

Fancy spending two weeks in India this summer?

Kent has partnered with Amity University in India to offer an exciting opportunity for 3 students to take part in the ‘India Immersion Programme’.  Discover more about India through Academic Sessions, Cultural Sessions and Industry visits. The programme will take place this summer from 26th August – 8th September 2017.

For further details and to apply online, visit

The deadline for applications is 9am on 7th June 2017.


#KentGivesBack – Sat 20th May

On Saturday 20th May Kent Union and the University of Kent are partnering together for the first ever #KentGivesBack, a day of volunteering in which we are inviting currents students and alumni to volunteer at Catching Lives, Canterbury.

We will be preparing lunch and running activities for service users until around 12pm, interacting with service users and carrying out social activities, arts and crafts and games.


If you would like to take part, please sign up at