The University has been contacted by The Writer, a brand language consultancy based in London. Read on if you would be interested in a two-day work experience placement in April.

Work experience, but not as you know it
Work experience. Chances are the last time you were roped into work experience, you were at school. A week-long stint somewhere obscure that may or may not have had anything to do with your studies.
Thankfully, our work experience is a little different. It’s two days of writing exercises, fun things to get you thinking and lots more to show you that a career in writing isn’t just for journalists or publishers.
You’ll get a taste of agency life at Writer HQ, right next to London’s Borough Market. And if you’re extra brilliant, we might invite you back for a paid internship (and even a job).
It’s for you if:
- you’re in your second year (but we don’t mind too much, if you’re not)
- you already write for your course
- you write in your spare time too
- you’re a bit of a word geek
- you’re free Thursday 12th and Friday 13th April.
Got 300 words up your sleeve?
Head to our website for all the details, put together 300 words on why we should pick you and apply here. You’ve got until Friday 23rd March.
Last, but not least, who are we again?
The Writer is the world’s largest brand language consultancy. We work with companies all over the world to get their words working harder. We help brands stand out from their competitors, improve how they deal with customers, shape their culture, and even make and save them cold, hard cash.
We’ve shown O2 how to ‘Be more dog’, come up with the latest names for the Lynx bodyspray your little brother probably wears, and helped define how Barbie should sound on Facebook. And we’ve trained over 250,000 people in how to write professionally, with personality.
Find out more about The Writer on our website, say hello on Twitter or connect with us on LinkedIn.