- Are you interested in heritage but not sure if it’s the career for you?
- Do you want to learn new skills while being paid?
We’re excited to offer a number of training placements for undergraduates or recent graduates (graduated within the last 18 months). If you’re interested in gaining skills and experience for a career in heritage and identify as having Black, Asian or other Minority Ethnic Heritage or mixed heritage (jump to Background to find out why), please see how to apply below.
This year there are placements available in 13 locations across England at:
- Historic England
- English Heritage
- The National Trust
- Historic Houses
- Llanthony Secunda Priory
- The Heritage Alliance
You don’t need to be working towards a qualification relevant to heritage, but you will need to persuade us that you care about heritage.
Successful applicants will receive a training bursary of £300-£350 per week.
The placements will last around eight weeks – exact details will be agreed with the successful candidates but we expect them to be completed before University terms begin in October 2018.
How to apply
Head to the Historic England website for role descriptions and how to apply.
In 2016-2017 only 4.3% of the Historic England work force described their ethnicity as Black Asian of Minority Ethnic (BAME).
In March 2016 the Government published the Culture White Paper and challenged Historic England and other nationally funded cultural organisations to develop and share strategies for improving workforce diversity.
In response Historic England developed a Workforce Diversity Strategy which has several strands of activity but one of the most significant is a new paid Heritage Training Placements scheme for undergraduates and recent graduates with Black, Asian or other Minority Ethnic Heritage.