Applicant days (Giles Lane car park, Canterbury)
Applicant days are essential recruitment days for the University. Spaces will be reserved in Giles Lane car park on the following days unless specified, as requested by Enrolment Management Services. Spaces are reserved based on the number of bookings. The number of reserved bays will be updated in the transport team events calendar once confirmed:
• Wednesday 7 March- 146 spaces (large applicant day)
• Thursday 8 March- 17 spaces
• Saturday 10 March- 182 spaces
• Monday 12 March- to be updated
• Wednesday 14 March- to be updated (likely to be a large applicant day)
• Thursday 15 March- to be updated
• Saturday 17 March- to be updated
BOCCIA event (Sport Centre blue zone car park, Canterbury)
•Thursday 8 March- The Sports Centre blue zone car park will be closed to permit holders. The car park is being reserved for minibuses to transport disabled children to the BOCCIA school games being held at the Sports Centre, as requested by Kent Sport.
Applicant day (Drill Hall car park, Medway)
•Saturday 10 March- There are currently 85 visitors who have requested parking for the Medway applicant day. Applicants have been advised to park in the Drill Hall car park. As this is a Saturday it should not cause much disruption.