Research Overview

2014 May 12

Phil Ward

Research is key to what we are as a university. In many ways it is our identity: when asked what Kent ‘does’, many talk about the research for which it is known. Research is the reason why many academics started on their career paths. Their interest in the subject, and their passion to find answers to the key questions in it, is what has driven them. But strong research also informs and shapes our teaching; being at the forefront of new knowledge allows us to develop a better understanding of the subject in our students.

Research Services exists to support the academic community at the University in this. It helps them find funding for their research, but more broadly it keeps them informed, organising events and networks to share knowledge and gain skills.

The Research Fundermentals blog is a key part of this. Since 2009 it has been providing a cocktail of different posts, which broadly fall into four categories. The first type informs, passing on details of new funding schemes or future events. The second provides help, such as tips gleaned from training events and advice on preparing applications. The third is commentary on policy developments and the direction of research in the UK and beyond. And the final type of posts are the humourous ones, the silly lookalikes and the flights of fancy which help to leaven the rest.

You can always access the Research Fundermentals blog through the link on the Change Academy Networks Research drop-down menu.

I’m always open to suggestions of issues and topics that should be explored. Do drop me a line if you have any specific ideas of things I should cover.


Phil was presented with the 2016 prize for best Technology Innovation and Application at the annual ARMA (Association of Research Managers and Administrators) Awards in Birmingham. Phil has been active in social media in research management and administration for almost ten years

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