The National Student Survey

What is it?

  • High profile annual census of all final year students in the UK. (You will be contacted if you are eligible to complete the survey.)
  • 27 Questions about the teaching on your programme and your overall experience at Kent.
  • The key measure of student satisfaction used to rate universities.

How do I do it?

  • Go to
  • Enter your student number (this is on your Kent Card) and other information as requested to confirm your eligibility to complete the survey.
  • Answer the questions (<10 minutes!).

Donations to Catching Lives

  • For every completed NSS survey, the School will donate £3 to the charity Catching Lives ( Catching Lives is an independent charity supporting the rough sleepers, homeless and vulnerably housed in Canterbury and East Kent.
  • If by 28 February our response rate is at 75+%, the School will ‘round up’ the donation to £1000.

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