Train to Teach – London Information event -Mon 2 October 16.30-19.30

The Academies Enterprise Trust Teaching School Alliance is a network of primary, special and secondary academies across England recruiting and training new teachers. Whether you are new graduate, graduating in the summer of 2018 or would just like further information this is a great opportunity to drop in and speak with practising teachers and professionals. At this event you will be able to find out about their teacher training programmes and what is involved in a teaching career within Academies Enterprise Trust. You will also learn about their network of 64 academies, and the opportunities they provide.

In addition, they will be able to talk to you about the ‘professional learning journey’ they can offer you. This can be tailored to individual needs and give access to accreditation of formal programmes working with prestigious Higher Education Institutions within their Leadership Colab and International Centres for Leadership in Teaching and Learning.

Venue:- Academies Enterprise Trust, Third Floor, 183 Eversholt Street , London, NW1 1BU

Booking:- booking REQUIRED via