This is a Kent Police general open day and recruitment event for anyone interested in uniformed or non-uniformed posts with Kent Police (or associated organisations) including both paid and volunteer roles.
Opportunities are currently available with Kent Police in paid uniformed roles including Police officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) and for the volunteer Special Constabulary.
Non-uniformed paid roles include police staff roles, Investigators in the Investigation Management Unit (IMU), call handlers and dispatchers, Witness Care Officers. Non-uniformed voluntary roles include supporting the Neighbourhood Watch schemes, administrative support to the community safety and investigation units.
The general open day includes live demonstrations. Kent Police’ work with emergency service partners, meeting Police dog, marine, motorcycle, helicopter and crash investigation teams… and the opportunity to spend time in a cell.
Venue:- Kent Police College, Coverdale Avenue, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 9DW
Booking:- no booking required but it is requested that you join the Kent Police Facebook event page so they can gauge numbers attending.