Fariba Hachtroudi: Creative Writing Reading Series


Thursday 26 January 2017

6.30pm at Reid Hall in the Grande Salle. All welcome.

4 rue de Chevreuse, Montparnasse, Paris 75006 (métro: Vavin)

Fariba Hachtroudi


Fariba Hachtroudi is a French-Iranian novelist, polemicist and political campaigner. Born in 1951, Fariba is the daughter of the prominent dissident Mohsen Hachtroudi and has continued her father’s struggle for freedom of expression and religious tolerance in Iran. She has written extensively on feminism and Islam, including the prize-winning Iran — Rivers of Blood. Her novels are informed by her political thought and personal experience, and explore themes of exile, torture and dissent. She will be speaking about her extraordinary life and her brilliant new novel, The Man Who Snapped His Fingers, in which the dictator of an unnamed Middle-Eastern country goes to horrifying lengths in order to control the population.

Click here to read more about other speakers in our Spring ’17 Creative Writing Reading Series

Spring Term: Politics of Translation – Translating Cultures


in association with:

University of London Institute in Paris
Columbia Global Centers Paris
American University of Paris


Politics of Translation – Translating Cultures

Spring Term 2017

All seminars are at Reid Hall

4 rue de Chevreuse, Montparnasse, Paris 75006 (métro: Vavin)

2 February 2017                  Anna Schaffner                     Grande Salle

‘Our Age of Exhaustion’

16 February 2017                Claire Joubert                        Grande Salle

‘Saussure the ethnographer: Peoples, the popular, and non-identity in Europe’

11 March 2017                    Ensemble Quintitus              Grande Salle

‘Soufflé Coupé : A Minute at Noon’, Chamber Music concert

30 March 2017                     Abdulrazak Gurnah              Grande Salle, 7 pm

‘Rendered into English’

23 May 2017                       Martin Hammer                      Grande Salle, 6:30pm

‘David Hockney: transatlantic artist’

— free and open to all —

Spring Term: Creative Reading Writing Series


Creative Writing Reading Series

Spring Term 2017

All readings are at 6.30pm at Reid Hall

4 rue de Chevreuse, Montparnasse, Paris 75006 (métro: Vavin)

26 January 2017                  Fariba Hachtroudi                 Grande Salle


9 February 2017                  Laurent Binet                         Salle de Conférence


23 February 2017                David Szalay                          Maison Verte


22 March 2017                     Lee Ann Brown                     Salle de Conférence

— free and open to all —

New MA Programme: European Culture

Kent’s new MA in European Culture makes it possible to study the history, literature, and political philosophies of the continent while based in Paris, Europe’s cultural capital.

Europe is at the heart of many contemporary political debates, and is a geographically, linguistically and culturally diverse continent with a rich history. From the French Revolution to the European Union, Europe has long been a placeholder for any number of utopian, internationalist aspirations. To trace the history of the cultural constructions of Europe is to hold a mirror up to its changing intellectual faces.

The programme is offered by the Department of Modern Languages, and benefits from staff expertise in a variety of disciplines across the School of European Culture and Languages.  The MA offers you the chance to immerse yourself fully in European culture in order to enhance your linguistic skills and cultural understanding. Kent’s Paris School of Arts and Culture is based at Reid Hall, where authors and philosophers such as Barthes, Beauvoir and Derrida have lectured, and in the heart of historic Montparnasse, where Picasso and Modigliani had their studios.

The programme consists of one core module, ‘The Idea of Europe’, and three further taught modules, followed by a final dissertation. All modules are taught in English.

This is an ideal programme for anyone with an interest in the rapidly changing political history of Europe, in its diverse literature, or in the experience and independence gained from living and studying overseas for an extended period of time.

 For more information, go to our programmes page.

A Moveable Feast – Being Human in Paris

Professor Sarah Churchwell

Director of the Being Human Festival (School of Advanced Studies)

6:30pm, Wednesday 23 November

Reid Hall

4 rue de chevreuse, 75006 Paris, Metro: Vavin

(Photo credit: @colleensparis and @tremblay_p)

The University of London Institute in Paris and the University of Kent Paris School of Arts and Culture are joining forces to bring the Being Human Festival to Paris with a roundtable event. This evening will be an opportunity to discuss the importance of literature and the Humanities in the wake of the attacks in Paris one year ago. After these events which turned spaces of festivity into targets for acts of terror, people laid copies of Hemingway’s Moveable Feast on the improvised shrines dotted around the areas affected. The title in French – Paris est une fête – stood out as a defiant refusal of the terror that had been unleashed on the city. What does this turn to literature, and to a text written by an American about the expatriate community in the Années Folles of the interwar era, tell us about why literature remains a vital response to violent ideologies? We will address this question and the importance of writing and translation in the heart of Hemingway’s old stamping ground of Montparnasse, bringing French and British perspectives to the question of why the Humanities help us be human better.

Featuring contemporary British writer Joanna Walsh, recently described by Deborah Levy as “fast becoming one of our most important writers,” and Professor Claire Joubert, who leads the “Poétique de l’étranger” programme and is author of numerous studies of English and Anglophone literature at the intersection between poetics and politics.


The event will feature contemporary British writer Joanna Walsh, recently described by Deborah Levy as “fast becoming one of our most important writers,” and Professor Claire Joubert, who leads the “Poétique de l’étranger” programme and is author of numerous studies of English and Anglophone literature at the intersection between poetics and politics.

  • Sarah Churchwell is one of the UK’s most prominent academics. Chair of Public Understanding of the Humanities and Professorial Fellow in American Literature, Institute of English Studies (School of Advanced Study) since 2015, she is the author of The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe (2004) and Careless People: Murder, Mayhem and the Invention of The Great Gatsby (2013). Sarah was also on the judging panel for the 2014 Man Booker Prize.
  • Claire Joubert is Professor of English Literature at Université Paris 8. She is the author of Critiques de l’anglais. Poétique et politique d’une langue mondialisée, (2015) and editor of recent collaborative volumes Le Postcolonial comparé. Anglophonie, francophonie (2014) and Comparer l’étranger. Enjeux du comparatisme en littérature (2006).
  • Joanna Walsh is the author of Hotel, Vertigo, Grow a Pair, and Fractals. Her writing has also been published by Granta Magazine, The Dalkey Archive Best European Fiction 2015, Best British Short Stories 2014 and 2015, The Stinging Fly, gorse journal, The Dublin Review and others. She reviews at The New Statesman and The Guardian. She edits at 3:AM Magazine and Catapult, and is the founder of @read_women. She is a judge on the 2016 Goldsmiths prize, and is a PhD candidate in Creative and Critical writing at the University of East Anglia.
  • Peter Brown is Professor of Medieval English Literature and Director of the University of Kent Paris School of Arts and Culture. He is the author of numerous studies of Chaucer and also, in 2013, of Tango, a meditation on the way in which tango mediates touch through technique and decorum.

This panel is organised by Dr Anna-Louise Milne (ULIP) and will be chaired by Professor Peter Brown (Kent).

Book Now!

The event is free but numbers are limited; please register in advance to reserve your place.

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Creative Writing Reading Series – Jon Thompson


As part of the Autumn Term Creative Writing Reading Series

University of Kent Paris School of Arts and Culture

Proudly presents Jon Thompson reading from his new poetry work Strange Country


Fascinated by strangeness that’s made in the U.S.A – its beliefs and organization, its affinity for violence and its elusive relationship with the past – Strange Country (Shearsman 2016) lyrically addresses itself to defining American landscapes/dreamscapes, and to their unaccountable beauty.

“In Strange Country Jon Thompson addresses the voices, amongst others, of ‘the traffic of fear’, and bids their speakers join the living…The accomplishment of Strange Country begins with the exact measure of its line and its discovered idiom in the face of what may well be termed the present contradictions of a strange country…Here we find the places of a shared identity where history is disguised, lost, or made into fun for all the family. This is a discovery conveyed in a poetry which not only discloses new meanings for these American places, but also bears the darker episodes of a history usually processed off the screen and page.”Kelvin Corcoran

Jon Thompson is a Professor of English at North Carolina State University where he teaches courses in twentieth-century/contemporary American and British literature. He maintains a particular interest in contemporary poetry and poetics. His current work comes out of his career as a poet, critic and editor. He is the founding editor of the international online journal Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry & Poetics, launched in 2001 and also the editor of the single-author poetry series, Free Verse Editions, launched in 2005.

Thursday 17 November 2016

6.30pm at Reid Hall, Grande Salle

4 rue de Chevreuse, Montparnasse, Paris 75006 (Métro: Vavin)

RSVP to paris@kent.ac.uk or to the Facebook Event

Open Day 2016 – Book Now



We host regular open events throughout the year for prospective students. If you are interested in, or have applied for, any undergraduate and postgraduate degree that Kent offers at its locations in the UK or Europe, our open events are a great opportunity to find out more information about our programmes and studying at the University of Kent.

2016 dates:

  • Wednesday 23 November 2016, 17.00 – 19.00 (local time) Book online
  • Friday 24 February 2017 (booking is not yet available)


The events are held at Reid Hall, University of Kent, 4 rue Chevreuse, 75006 Paris

Why attend?

It’s a great opportunity to find out more about all the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees that Kent offers, entry requirements, admissions procedures and graduate prospects. Current students will be on hand to tell you about life as a Kent student and we can also help with your fees and funding questions.

If you are considering postgraduate study at the University’s Paris Centre, you will be able to talk to specialist academics and current students about the wide range of year-long and split-site programmes available.

If you have any queries regarding our postgraduate programmes in Paris, or would like to visit the Centre before the open event then please contact them directly.


Book Now for Wednesday 23 November 2016!


EU students still eligible for UK loans and grants in 2017/18

The Department for Education has just issued a press release to announce that EU students applying for a place at an English university in the 2017 to 2018 academic year will continue to be eligible for student loans and grants:
‘The government has today (11 October 2016) announced that EU students applying for a place at an English university or further education institution in the 2017 to 2018 academic year will continue to be eligible for student loans and grants – and will be for the duration of their course. The decision will mean that students applying to study from 2017 to 2018 will not only be eligible for the same funding and support as they are now, but that their eligibility will continue throughout their course, even if the UK exits the European Union during that period.’

Translating Cultures Seminar Series: Autumn 2016


Politics of Translation – Translation of Cultures

American University of Paris – University of Kent, Paris – University of London Institute in Paris

Seminar Series

The terrain and processes of translation are changing faster than ever before. New technologies, greater competition and connection between spaces of editorial decision, shifting interfaces between places of textual production: the range of forces at play in the geopolitics of translation is vast and complex, implicating ever more zones and expressions of culture. This seminar series will explore specific instances of transformation and broader trends across this terrain, inviting speakers and their audiences to consider some of the following questions:

  • How do the modalities of funding and distribution of translations shape the production of culture?
  • How are the formal characteristics of contemporary cultural artefacts – texts, audio-visual production, exhibitions – shaped by questions of translatability?
  • What are the spaces of translation today, and how do they function?
  • What are the temporalities of translations and how has that changed?
  • What in translation is irreducible to a politics of translation?
  • Is translation excessive?
  • What is the vitality of translation?

Papers will be delivered in English. They are open to the public, if you have any questions about access, please write to anna-louise.milne@ulip.lon.ac.uk


Thursday 15 September – AUP, 6.30pm

Emeute/Grève: The Language of Riot

Joshua Clover, University of California, Davis

Click here for more information

Friday 23 September – ULIP, 6.00pm

Under the pavés of Parisian History – ULIP

Anna-Louise Milne, University of London Institute in Paris

Thursday 20 October – Reid Hall, 6.30pm

On his collection of poems “Through”: five extended texts addressing the ways in which contemporary public language has been rendered officially hostile.

David Herd, University of Kent 
 Click here for more information

Thursday 10 November – AUP, 6.30pm

Hannah Arendt and refugee rights

Lyndsey Stonebridge, University of East Anglia 
More information to come

Wednesday 23 November – Reid Hall, 6.30pm

In association with Being Human, we mark the anniversary of the November 13 2015 Paris attacks, when copies of Hemingway’s Moveable Feast were left at memorials around the city 

Sarah Churchwell, University of East Anglia 
Register now