Welcome to part four of our new feature, #HeadSpace, sharing ideas for cultural activities during these challenging times; from great reads to gripping TV, binge-worthy boxed-sets to stream and ideas for listening (from music you might know to music you might not and some Slow Radio), aiming to keep you engaged, entertained and maybe even amused whether you’re isolating, in lockdown, or simply looking for ways to keep occupied.
As I sit at the keyboard this morning, I admit I’ve found it quite hard to get going today. The view from the window is grey and cold, the leafless trees dark silhouettes against a bleak sky. So this morning’s episode from the wonderful Radio Lento arrived at just the right moment, taking the ears out to a dawn soundscape on the moors in the Peak District.

I would normally have been well into the bracing soundworld of some contemporary music by now, but this morning’s headspace found it difficult to make room for it after a night plagued by insomnia. So this sonic trip to a different space, a different season, a different soundscape is just what was required. It’s been playing on loop since I came to the desk, and has opened doors into the day. What a wonderful way to begin the day; invigorating, refreshing, and perhaps a glimpse into a brighter time lying only a few months ahead. Listen here.
That’s all to this post; that’s all we need for today. That’s it. Enjoy the sound of summer.