Posted by Sarah

As mentioned in the last post, Lies and Ann-Marie have organised a fantastic Divine Divas season at the Gulbenkian Cinema. The Gulbenkian Cinema’s information on the film:
Josef von Sternberg | USA | 1932 | 93mins | Marlene Dietrich, Cary Grant, Herbert Marshall
Josef von Sternberg’s Pre-Code drama stars his favourite collaborator Marlene Dietrich, and is the only one of his films that depicts her within the everyday.
In Depression-era New York, chemist Ned Farady (Herbert Marshall) contracts a rare disease, and his wife, Helen (Dietrich), must resume her career as glamorous cabaret performer ‘the Blonde Venus’ to finance his treatment abroad.
But during Ned’s absence and convalescence she falls for wealthy man-about-town Nick Townsend (Grant) and, drawn into an affair, her descent into the corruption and seediness of clubland takes her further and further from the man she re-entered it for.
Tickets: Full £8 / Concessions £7/ GulbCard Members £6 / Students £5 / GulbCard Students £4
Venue: Cinema
To book your tickets please go to: