PG students only – Overseas Volunteer Programme

Opportunity to Co-lead a Group of Students on an Overseas Volunteer Project Summer 2017

International Student Volunteers (ISV) is looking for faculty and graduate students to serve as University Leaders (ULs) for a minimum of two weeks on ISV’s 2017 May to August Volunteer Programs in Australia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, New Zealand, South Africa or Thailand. Expenses will be covered; see below for details.

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Placement Opportunities – 27th September

Every week, the Careers and Employability Service sends out a list of the new placement vacancies they are advertising through their online vacancies database. This list will be published on the blog each week, to help those of you who are thinking about undertaking a placement year next year, or thinking about doing one further in the future, think about what is out there for you.

Click the button below for this week’s list.

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Career-hunting – The Graduate Recruitment Bureau

The School of History and the University are regularly contacted by organisations and companies who offer services to help you find either part-time jobs while you are studying, or to help you get started on your career after you graduate. We pass on those that we have vetted and consider to be offering a good, honest service to you.

To that end, below is a message to students in the final year of your degree from the Graduate Recruitment Bureau:

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Paid role (PG students only) – Academic Ambassadors

If you are an undergraduate student interested in working as an ambassador for the School of History and/or the University, please see here.

The Partnership Development Office are looking for postgraduate students who are interested in becoming postgraduate ambassadors to work with young people from the University´s local partner schools and colleges.

Postgraduate ambassadors are employed by their Academic School to develop and deliver sessions in local secondary schools or on campus. Some of these sessions are aimed at inspiring and encouraging young people to consider studying humanities and arts subjects at University and others are designed to help raise attainment in schools.

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Paid role – University Fundraisers

The Development Office is recruiting 38 student fundraisers to take part in the 2016 autumn telephone campaign. They are particularly looking for students who are truly dedicated to charitable giving, genuinely enthusiastic about the University and able to demonstrate this to the University’s alumni. Students who have a good phone manner, excellent verbal communication skills and a willingness to ask for donations would be desired.
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Employability@Kent talk today

EDIT – updated with the video of the talk, which is below.

The first employability workshop of this year will kick off this afternoon at 4pm in the Gulbenkian Cinema. This session will focus on introducing you to the various departments and services offered by the University, and to give you an idea of what employability is at university, and what you can be doing to develop your employability prospects throughout the year.

This talk is aimed at new undergraduate students, but I’m sure it will be useful to many of you. As such, has been recorded:
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CES Newsletter, September 2016

The Careers and Employability Service publishes a monthly newsletter detailing the employability events and workshops going on across campus, as well as off-campus events, competitions and awards, training opportunities, job and placement vacancies, and a host of other information which may be of interest to you. Each month, the newsletter will be posted here; you will be able to check back through the newsletters via this link.

This month is a bumper issue, including the full calendar of CES-run events on campus during the Autumn term; information of graduate training schemes with Teach China and the Department for International Development; details of funding opportunities to help support the cost of work experience; and a host of job-hunting resources, particularly regarding teacher training.

Click this link to download this month’s newsletter: September 2016

Volunteering Opportunity: Collections Assistant at the PWRR and Queens Museum, Dover

pwrrThe Prince of Wales Royal Regiment and Queen’s Royal Regiment Museum at Dover Castle is looking for a voluntary Collections Assistant, to play a key role in caring for their collection and to help develop and deliver their programme of exhibitions.

The Collections Assistant will be responsible for:

  • Object cataloguing
  • Condition checking
  • Photography of museum objects
  • General research
  • Preventative conservation

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Paid role – Brand Ambassador for BAE Systems

On-Campus Promotions is recruiting a team of ambitious, enthusiastic and confident Brand Ambassadors to work exclusively for BAE Systems to promote their career opportunities on campus for the academic year starting September 2016. The hired Brand Ambassadors will need to be available to attend a training day at BAE Systems on 19th September 2016. This training day will provide guidance for undertaking the role of Brand Ambassador and will equip you with the relevant skills training.

The deadline for applications is 19th August. For more information and to apply, head to

Work Placements – Animate Arts Company

Animate Arts, a national award-winning arts company making high-quality participatory art projects, is offering a number of work placements throughout August,
working on a voluntary basis on a number of events and projects throughout the month. Based at the Gulbenkian and operating in the Canterbury area, these places are opportunities to get involved in a range of exciting, creative activities with members of the public from all ages and backgrounds.For details and how to apply, click the link below:

What is this blog for?

This blog has been created to help students in the School of History develop your employability prospects, and to help you throughout your degree to prepare to enter the wider world of careers and employment.

Through the drop-down menus above, you’ll find signposts to all the employability-related services, awards, schemes, and opportunities available at the University. You’ll find advice on how to develop your skills and experience to prepare you for your career, and to help you decide on what that career should be!

Scroll down to find out more about the employability workshops and events going on across campus, and about opportunities for volunteering, placements, internships, paid work, and other work experience available to you.

The Big Employability Survey 2016

The School’s first-ever employability survey is now live, and we need you to complete it!

We want to find out about your career interests and plans, your employability activities, your opinions on how the School and the University support your employability development, and your thoughts on how we can improve. Your feedback will be extremely useful, helping us to hone and expand on the School’s employability activities in the future.

As such, and to show our gratitude for taking the time (about eight to ten minutes) to complete it, we will be giving a £20 Amazon voucher to five students who complete the survey before it closes.

The survey is open until 12noon this Friday, 13th May. Head to the link to take part: School of History Big Employability Survey 2016.

Getting the most out of the Careers Fair

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A new page is up on the blog, focusing on helping you prepare for the University’s Careers Fair on Tuesday 3rd November. This will be your opportunity to meet with representatives from up to 130 different organisations, from a vast array of industries and sectors, and so preparation will be essential.

Head to the page for advice on how to make sure you get maximum benefit from this great opportunity, and click the link below to download the flyer prepared by the Careers and Employability Service.

Flyer – Getting the Most from the Careers Fair